About Us

For all aspiring writers or those students who just want to explore the possibility of putting their thoughts into words, this site is intended to help ignite your creativity and get you started on your journey. Our mission is to provide aspiring writers with a growing list of resources and a discussion area for like-minded people to share their thoughts. The following people are the crew that sails this ship.

Cap'n Lee (Writer...Teacher...Storyteller...Sailor)
Cap’n Lee, Brookhaven’s Workforce and Continuing Education’s 2016 – 2017 Instructor of the Year, has taught a variety of creative writing classes at Brookhaven for almost 15 years. Previously, he taught creative writing for at-risk students as part of The Writer’s Garret Writers in The School (WITS) team.

Cap’n Lee has more than 60 years’ experience as a professional writer, editor, and teacher. He has written for radio, television, industrial films, newspapers, and magazines. Well-known in Dallas advertising and public relations circles, he has won numerous local, state, and national awards.

To contact Lee:

Glenn Thaxton (computer whiz, humorist, retired lay about)
Glenn is a retired Information Systems Executive / Software Engineer who recently turned Webmaster for this site. After retirement, Glenn decided to do something outside his comfort zone. Resisting the urge to take up sky diving or dance, he signed up for a writing class. Writing was the subject he feared most while in school. Further, writing in a classroom setting summoned as much adrenalin as the other two competing ideas without taxing his Medicare. While taking a class with Cap'n Lee, Glenn met many interesting people and learned that writing could be fun.

To contact Glenn:

The Cast of Characters
The Rough Writers are more than the two people listed here. They a full list of characters including people from a variety of fields: Genealogy, Law, Geology, Medicine and medical science, Engineering, Poets, Artists, and Military. We all share a common interest in learning how to communicate our stories more effectively.

If you are one of us, let us know. Register in our Facebook group and let us know your writing area of interest.