
These are organizations you can join to keep you informed of writing and storytelling events.

This national storytelling organization will keep you posted of events in across the nation and in your area. They will point you to groups you can join to hone your craft.

This site produces a list of publishers. This list includes a description of what the publisher is looking for along with deadlines for submission. You can look for frequent emails from them describing new calls for submission. Join. It costs nothing, but worth a lot more to the budding writer. It is worth the few minutes it takes to join.

The organization provides a list of publishers. leads, and self-publishing tips.

Link to: Poets and Writers

This site provides an extensive list of Literary Organizations, including those for poets.

This organization has annual writing competitions. Get on their mailing list.

Link to: The Write Practice

This site has a wealth of writing tips. Check it out.

Link to: Tejas Storytelling Association

This North Texas-based group fosters an appreciation of storytelling as an oral tradition, performing art, and educational tool.

Link to: Feedback and Advice from the Best Editors Available

Before you submit your manuscript to an agent, editor, or competition, get professional feedback from 2nd Draft Critique Services. Our critique services provide a high-level review of your writing, pointing out reasons your work may be getting rejected, or may not meet the standards of traditional publication. You'll not only learn what's working in your writing, but what's not, and—most important—how to fix it.